Interview | the unordinary motherhood

2:10:00 pm

I had the pleasure of speaking with a lovely woman. Pearlyn is a mother who draws raw beautiful art to express her emotions. 
She has began to share this on Instagram; in search of some comfort and knowing she's not alone in these tough times. I can definitely relate to some of her images in my own little ways. Can you?

Do you have children?
Yes, I've 2 little boys. One is 6 years old in a few days and the other is 3 years old. My younger boy was born with a rare genetic disorder call Williams Syndrome. 

Can you tell me a little about what Willian's syndrome is? 
Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic condition that is present at birth and can affect anyone. It happens at random. It is caused by a spontaneous deletion of 26-28 genes on chromosome #7 at the time of conception. It is characterized by medical problems, including cardiovascular disease, developmental delays, and learning disabilities. It affects 1 in 20,000 people. 
You can find out more on this website:

What is your motivation and philosophy behind your artwork?
Drawing is therapeutic for me. Art helps to calm the madness and chaos. I got to sit still for a moment to reflect and sketch. For me, finding a moment not running around my boys is scarce, I often ended up doodling in the car while my child naps, which is the only way he will nap these days, it's not ideal but it's a win-win. 
The_unordinary_motherhood is an outlet for me to express some of what I'm going through in this journey with others. I find joy seeing people connecting with what i put out and relating to them. Then I realized hey I'm not alone, everyone has these thoughts and feelings as much as I do, no matter what is going on in their lives. It puts things in perspective. 

Why have you decided to share this with the world?
I wanted to connect with others and share this journey hoping to use art to find some solace and beauty in difficult things. 

Have you always expressed yourself through art?
Yes I've always been doing some form of art. I studied design, went into advertising, then became a hairstylist now I'm going back to art. 

How has the response been from the public to your art thus far? 
It has been positive I think. I get to make connections with the others, some who are also going through hard things and meet awesome artists from around the world. 

I find this one piece of art so relatable and inspiring; it takes all the words I could ever jumble together to explain a feeling and puts them onto paper. Would you care to share a little more about this image?

Having a child born with a multi system disorder changes our lives. The weight of not knowing is enormous. I am constantly searching for courage and faith to move forward and I remembered this quote by Rumi and it really resonates with me. "Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?" It is true how it is mostly ourselves who confine ourselves, when we really do have a choice. But we are often up and then down again haunted by our own fears and shadows. I'm trying to remind myself of that in hope to choose to take the positive road often. 

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