38 weeks | Pregnancy Update

3:19:00 pm

As I lay in bed and feel soft tiny fingers reach out in search of comfort and stroke my cheek, a tear rolls down my face; for the first time in weeks I believe that everything will be okay. 

38 weeks, an emotional exhausted mess. My body is aching and I can only eat one meal a day. I waddle and my pregnancy tops no longer cover this bump. All I can do is wait; wait for it all to be over or wait for it all to begin? Not even I know. 

Thursday I had a midwife appointment. I was concerned about babes positioning; as at 36 weeks he was lying ROP. Guess what? His now lying LOT, a huge improvement and heading into the optimal position of LOA. 

This must mean that my boy is just awesome... Or that the exercises I have been doing are making a positive influence on my body. 
I have had lots of questions about the exercises in doing, how to do them ect. So I'll put together a detailed article with photos and links which will be posted tomorrow! 

Back to talking about my 38 week midwife app last Thursday. My midwife advised me my OB will want to do a VE and stretch and sweep at my 40 week appointment. I had said all along I wanted no VEs before 40 weeks and no talk of induction before 41 weeks; so now facing the 40 week mark in stumped at what to do. 
Stretch and Sweep? yes or no? 
I read this article above which explains some of the risks involved and I couldn't agree more with the psychological risks being a high factor. In the back of my mind I'm just hoping I'll go into labour before then. 
I also had a growth scan on Thursday and even though the technician was quite rude it was nice to see baby Mac again. He looks about 8pound currently and measuring 39 weeks instead of 38; so not really a big deal. 

Tonight I'm having so much pressure, and period type aches. I'm sitting on my ball and thinking about having a relaxing bath with some Clary Sage Oil and a cup of Raspberry Lead Tea. 
Wish me luck.

Tiarne Straatman
Mummy Blogger

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