3 things natural birthing mothers dont realise

1:43:00 pm

As most of you should already know I am a caesarean birthing mother. No it was not by choice, but it was the best option for the safety of myself and Charlie. If you haven't read my birthing story feel free to go have a read  My Own Birthing Story - click here.
Lately on social media I have witnessed a lot of criticism on mothers who for whatever reason underwent a caesarean section to birth their child. I also feel the need to always explain myself when people realise I didn't have a "normal birth", I shouldn't feel judged or different because of how my son was brought into this world.
So today I have decided to share three things which I believe most natural birthing mothers don't realise about C-section mothers.
Please note that these are all my own personal opinions based on the experience I went through.

"why am I alone at the scariest moment of my life?"
Most people don't realise that when you are being prepped for a caesarean your birthing partner is not allowed with you. Its quite a daunting experience. Surrounded by doctors who probably do this multiple times a day, chatting about irrelevant day to day things. Whilst you - a heavily pregnant mother who, if like me was still labouring and having severe contractions - are laying on a cold operating table awaiting the anaesthesia to preform the spinal block. Only then right before they are ready to "cut" which in my brain was the birth of my first child, was when my partner could return to my side.
caesarean mothers are brave

"please just do whatever it takes to make sure my baby is safe"
I never imagined having a c-section, my partner and I had never even discussed it whilst writing my birth plan. I was determined to have a successful natural birth. But during the seconds following the doctors calling emergency caesarean not once did it occur to me that the birth of my son would haunt me in the future and cause me to feel different and un-normal.
caesarean mothers are NOT selfish

"where are you taking my baby?"As they lifted my son into the air and I heard his first gasp for air and tiny screams, I didn't get to take him to my chest and feel his sticky, slimy naturalness. It wasn't until I had been stitched up, once again alone and moved from the OR to my own room that I got to have skin to skin with my baby. By that time he had been wiped down and wrapped up.
I had no independence, I couldn't get my baby when he cried or change his nappy for the first two days. I couldn't stand for 24hours? I felt like I couldn't even be the mother I was supposed to be? this little life depended on someone who couldn't even help him.
caesarean mothers are strong

Feel free to comment down below your caesarean section experiences.
Thankyou for all your support and continuing to read Your Mummy Blogger (:

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