Letters to my 15 year old self
3:04:00 pmLast Thursday I was listening to a segment on the radio which was about celebrities who have written letters to their younger selves. It was quite inspirational and positive to listen to. This week I've teamed up with 7 other bloggers. We are all going to share a letter to our 15 year old selves! For myself it's also a little celebration post about moving out of my teen years officially this year. Yep I'm half way to 40!
Hair extentions in, makeup on, fake tan? CHECK. Oh and don't forget that overly frilly pair of underwear you for some reason think are super sexy.
Don't forget your bottle of Pash n Pop or Trevi either girl.
That pretty much sums up your life from 15 - 17. Alcohol, Fun, Boys, Friendships and Love.
Let's start with love.. Or should I say heart brake? I'm sorry to brake it to you gorgeous girl but that boy your head over heels in love with. Yes, the one who treats you so well and makes you the happiest girl in the world. He will brake your heart. Smash it into tiny pieces and leave you an emotional wreck.
My advice is, don't shut yourself down so much. There are so many people around you that care and want to help you. You may not realise it but this is the moment your depression really hits hard and it's a journey I want you to not experience.
You need help now, not in two years time.
You know one good thing that came from your now ex bf. A large group of new friendships. Friendships you keep even long after that relationship fades away. One special one in perticular, after you finish reading this 15 year old me, go hug Peter Clarke really tight, even tighter than you normally do. Treasure every moment with him. Don't ask me why, just do it. He is one person who you have a lot to thank for, a gorgeous soul.
At 16 you have already met your dream man, not that you would believe me if I said who! Just before your 18th birthday he will propose to you and 2 and a bit months before your 19th birthday you will give birth to a healthy baby. This baby brings a whole new meaning to life for lots of family members.
If I could give you any advice, it would be this...
Don't take anything for granted, life is short! You will loose people who mean everything to you. But you can keep going. Be everything they would want you to be and more. Make them proud. Don't listen to people who try to bring you down. Your hot and they are probably, no wait they are deffinitely just jealous ✋
Stay true to yourself, your morals and your goals. You can be anything you want to be!
Love your settled down almost 20 year old self.
Ps, you get your happily ever after very soon. xx