Letter to my 15 year old self || KELLY
5:48:00 pmOh hi there 15 year old me,
How does that pineapple cruiser taste? You applied your clear mascara today? Yes, your hair is dead straight, no kinks!
This is an exciting time. Life is shifting for you right now, you are becoming a woman!
You will soon be able to apply for your learners permit. Now, I know you are excited to finally gain your independence and have your own set of wheels. However my advice to you is don’t be so cocky… READ THE DAMN BOOK. You will fail the test miserably twice and have success third time lucky, however it goes to show you don’t know everything. Maybe Dad was right after all?!
You’ve just scored your first job. It’s walking distance, it’s $4.90 an hour and you get a free meal at the end of each shift. KFC equals dream job. Or does it? You will soon realise the fryer burns and the slaps on the bum are not worth it. However don’t be disheartened, although you didn’t make it past your trainee stage there is plenty of opportunity out there in the big wide world.
You’ve had your first taste of alcohol. If I remember correctly it was a strongbow cider and you hated it! However you gulped it down and told everyone how much you loved it. Stick to the cruisers, they are more your style. You will eventually grow to widen your palette.
Boys. Ah. Boys. They aren’t as scary as you may think! Did you know you will actually meet the man of your dreams in only three years? I know you worry day in day out that you are approaching the big sweet 16 and haven’t sealed your first kiss. However, just trust me it will all happen in good time.
I know your biggest hurdle right now is confidence. Past events have rattled you and you are often nervous and scared. Well future Kelly can tell you it gets easier. Of course as you grow your worries and fears change however you will be able to deal with them better. This I promise you.
You have amazing friends and a loving and supportive family who will all still be by your side well into your 30’s.
Stay strong, keep smiling, and go easy on those cruisers.
Love your 33 year old self xx