Letter to my 15 year old self || KARLY
7:19:00 pmKarly has joined us today and decided she would love to share a little insight on her teen years. If you enjoy Karly's writing visit her on Instagram @thesweetmamalife or on her online blog thesweetmamalife.blogspot.com ♥️
Dear 15 year old me,
Right now you are in the middle of the rollercoaster that is high school, feeling completely lost. Everyone (except you) can see that you have potential and ask, ‘What do you want to do with your life?’ A combination of wanting to rebel against the system and simply not having a clue usually results in an answer along the lines of ‘Stunt performer’ or ‘Beekeeper’ much to your mother’s horror. I know that deep down, there’s a small part of you that knows you can do whatever you want and be whoever you like.
Fifteen will be a particularly tough year for you. It will be all about boys, bullying and binge drinking. There will be plenty of good memories made. Unfortunately, there will be lots of bad ones to go with it. As you enter your final year of high school you put all the drama aside and focus on your school work. Can I just say and huge, ‘THANK YOU’ for this. Believe it or not, that hard work and focus you pulled out ofGod-knows-where means you go on to complete a Bachelordegree, then a Master’s degree, and now you’re even considering completing a PhD. Can you believe it? I still can’t. But I’ll tell you this – so many more opportunities in life are presented to you when you have a good education.
I hope you are able to instil the value of education in your children. Yes, children! I know you vowed to never have children but at 27 years old you welcomed a son into the world. When you are 17, you will attend a party where you will see the most gorgeous blonde haired guy in the world. Just as you’re mustering up the courage to speak to him, his girlfriend comes and sits on his lap! Don’t worry – three years later you will meet with Mr. Blondey again when you are both single. At the start you take him for granted a little – lucky he is so patient with you. Sometimes, I look back and wish you hadn’t wasted time with all those other losers and put yourself first a little more. BUT, if you hadn’t made those mistakes, dated those losers, worked hard, and partied harder then you wouldn’t have a life you have now – a partner who understands you, a son who adores you and a career which fulfils you.
The only thing I want you to remember is: Be kind to yourself, be kind to others (I’m afraid to say that you got just as much as you were given when it came to bullying) and be kind to your family (they love you even if they don’t understand you). Don’t take anyone for granted – you don’t know what kinds of battles other people are fighting. And you don’t know how long people will be in your life for.
Love from 27 year old me.
P.S: Please don’t dye your hair black and get an eyebrowpiercing – it takes ages to get back to your natural colour and you will always have the little scar in your eyebrow from the piercing (which only lasted a few months by the way!)