Letter to my 15 year old self || SHANNON
9:52:00 pmOur third guest writer is Shannon! Shannon is from a little IG account @the_henry_files. If you like her writing style and would like to see more visit www.thehenry-files.blogspot.co.uk
I'm going to be honest, it's only 6 years ago but I had to trawl back through my Facebook to find out what kind of stuff you (we) were into. So much has happened since then! I've got to say, you were a cool kid. Starting Each Word Within A Sentence With A Captial Letter Was Really Annoying. I'm glad I've stopped doing it!
From what I remember, you were really into a particular boy band. 99% of your Facebook statuses/pictures are of this boy band. I know you're convinced you will never grow out of liking them and that you'll marry a member but trust me, you dont like them for much longer and they end up splitting up a couple of years later. You won't be devastated and you'll find the right man for you. You'll have to wait 3 years and no, he's not in a famous band.
Please do well in school. I know acting up in classes and getting into fights seems like a good idea now but it's not. You'll move to a new school in a year and you'll work your arse off trying to learn 2 years worth of stuff in 10 months. You'll achieve it and it'll be worth it but life will be so much easier if you learn the work now. And the fighting? It's not big and it's not clever. It'll land you in hospital. These people you're trying to impress, you won't speak to any of them in 5 years time. Keep your head down and you'll be out of there before you know it.
And that boy who is madly in love with you, to the point where he writes you poetry? Give him a chance. It might not work out but looking back on it now, I could have done with his influence to keep me on track. He was a nice boy, better then the idiots you've got your eye on.
Before I go, one more thing. Stop giving your Mum a hard time. You'll find out soon enough that she's done more for you then you could have ever imagined and she'll become the bestest friend you could ever have. Please treat her with the kindness and respect she deserves. She's amazing and will be your inspiration.
Take care
Shannon x