
Letter to my 15 year old self || OLIVIA

1:35:00 pm

Olivia White is the author of a successful blog www.houseofwhite.com.au and Instagram @houseofwhite_ 

Head over and check her out!

Hey Liv, It’s Liv! Only ten years from now. I thought I would write you just to check in how you’re going cause well no one knows better than me that things are a little bit crazy right now. You’ve made some dumb decisions and your currently dealing with the repercussions of them.


Well I’m here to tell you that you’re probably going to make some more – a lot more! But ultimately it won’t be that bad cause you make it through alive and wiser for the experiences – I think!  But I don’t want to give too much away so I thought i’d just give you a few little tips that I think might help you along the way….


·      Just be yourself – you don’t need to try and make yourself look better or impress anyone just because you think that’s what people want. Just be you and don’t make any apologies for that!

·      If your going to continue terrible at home bleach jobs, please for the love of god buy a purple shampoo!!!

·      Low riding jeans are not appealing on anyone – ever!

·      Stop trying to drop it likes it hot – you’re not black!

·      Your eyebrows are a lot more important than you think, put the tweezers down and leave it to the professionals!

·      Sleep is awesome and eventually the thought of staying out past10pm will send shivers down your spine!

·      Having a tan is not as important as your health – stay out of the sun and solarium beds!!

·      Moving out of home is over rated! There are utilities and costs you didn’t even know existed waiting for you when you move out L

·      Enjoy your fast metabolism and being as skinny as you are now because in about 5 years from now it starts to slow down – RIGHT DOWN!

·      Your mum will end up being your best friend – no I’m not crazy, it’s true!

·      You will meet your prince charming in less than a year from now, only you wont know this at the time - because your too drunk to realize, but he’s a keeper and you make cute babies together!!


I hope that any one of these tips can maybe help you to make some better decisions in your life, but ultimately you just need to accept that pretty much everything your mum told you was correct and I know as your reading all of this you are most likely thinking “whatever mate” and rolling your eyes because you a stubborn little shit who’s going to do whatever she wants because you know everything, but trust me – she was and is always right!


Yours sincerely,

25 year-old you!

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