The Gap || what's your perfect number
7:51:00 amEveryone knows I'm awful with maths, but one thing I do know is that I want to try and achieve that perfect gap!
I would love Charlie to have a sibling. Close enough that they can grow up an play together but further enough apart so I forget all that newborn sleep deprivation! You know those sleepless nights? Screaming the house down, wanting to throw them at a wall. Arguing with your partner? You know I bit Shane in my sleep once and apparently told him to breast feed the baby! Oh golly. Lack of sleep can do some silly things to you.
One thing I do miss though. The scent. That newborn smell, if only I could bottle it up. Would that be creepy? I'm not sure but I think I'm beginning to ramble.
My dilemma is knowing how long it will take to actually fall pregnant? First time lucky? Two years later? God only knows. All I do know is that I believe everything happens for a reason, just sometimes I can't quite decide what that reason is.