
My own labour and birth experience | Charlie |

8:21:00 pm

Okay guys, well you asked for it! My story deffinitely isn't the best or most positive for you mum to be's to be reading but what the hell! Here we go. 

At 2am Friday morning I was 41 + 1 weeks into my pregnancy so a whole week over due! I woke up with bad pains wrapping around from my back to no belly. By 3am I couldn't sleep through them anymore, being a first time mum I rang the hospital and they told me if I thought I was okay to call back in the morning. Well I had no idea what okay was but I stayed home. In and out of the bath, shower and bed. By the morning I went into hospital at 7am and I was only 2cms dilated! 😭 I went home and spent the whole day untill 6pm that night doing anything I could to distract myself from these contractions. They were strong and  regular 5 minutes apart lasting about 50 seconds. When I got back to hospital I was 5 cms and in active labour, I asked for the gas which I sucked on. I also tried rocking on the ball and jumped in the shower a few times. The next day or two is a blur! All I can say is I didn't sleep for almost 48 hours.... Let's skip to Saturday afternoon shall we, it was 3pm and I was still only 7-8 cms. My labour was very prolonged. It was horrible and dragged on and on. My waters did not break, Charlie had came down so far that they were trapped behind him and leaked only as he moved. So there was no gush to bring him down further. They also realised at this point that Charlie was face up instead of face down, which would make it quite difficult to deliver unless he turned. 
At 3.20 I felt like giving up, I signed a constent form for a cesarean! The one thing I said I never wanted to do. I saw a heap of doctors and was dressed and wheel down to theater. My partner was Ina waiting room whilst I was meant to be getting a spinal block. Then... I said stop! Something had changed and I knew I had to push, then and their in the operating theater. They checked me again and I was 10cms! Wow I know woo go me (: they rushed my partner in and told me to push! I pushed for 30mins but Charlie wouldn't turn. So they attempted a vacuum extraction, he would not turn and he would not fit through my pelvis. All of a sudden they called emergency cesarean and everyone rushed around and my partner was taken from the room.
They sat me up and I had the needle in my spine, when I laid down my partner was by my side. It all happened so quickly. I could feel the pulling and tugging but no pain! Such a strange feeling, like rummaging around in a handbag as such! 
Before I knew it they were holding up a grey slimy baby and I heard that first gasp of breath and then the screams of life. All I could say was "that's my baby" he was beautiful, I fell instantly inlove! 
Charlie was born at 4.59pm| 29.03.14| 9pounds11oz | 💋

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