
Preparing yourself |what I wish I knew|

8:54:00 am

Whilst I currently have my child trying to chew on my foot I first wanted to touch base on what I wish I knew before going into labour! I thought it would be hard and painful and everything like that and I was prepared for stitches down there and being sore. But no one ever prepared me for long delayed labour, emergency cesarean, forceps and vaccum attemps 😭 honestly ahhh! My labour was hell.

So here is what I wish I knew:
• Labour and contractions can take several hours, even days before you even get to a stage in which you can start to push. 
• It is possible you may need a cesarean, sometimes you do not have a choice.
• Read up about all the avaliable drugs and be accepting of what they reccommend.

Just be open minded, be aware that things may not go as planned. Plus it's all worth it when you get to hold your baby in your arms xx 

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