Is your newborn a night owl ?

3:17:00 pm

Sleep deprivation is the worst form of torture and if your trying to limit your caffeine intake like me, it's even harder. Having a newborn who sleeps all day and is awake all night is common. Remember back to pregnancy where they would sleep all day with the motion of your movement, then begin to be active as you lay down to rest at night. 

Charlie was one of these newborns; but with what I learnt from him I was able to maintain a perfect day and night body clock for Archer. 

Use natural lighting, curtains open and use lighting to increase "daytime" if gloomy outside. 

Keep your newborn around the daily noise of your household; yes even when they are asleep! Bring the bassinet to the lounge is always a good tip. 

Each night before your newborns "last feed", for me this was around 10pm with Charlie and it's now 8pm with Archer; create a sequence of events which lead up to sleep. 
Charlie's example:
As a newborn I would do bath, tummy time, feed and bed. 
As a two year old we do dinner, bath, pack away toys, story and bed.
Archers example:
Archer has to fit into Charlie's routine so it's more touch and go. I'm actually not even going to give an example... I bath him when I bath Charlie and depending on whether Shane is home at night he may or may not come along to story time with Charlie and assist me in putting him to bed. Following that he feeds; which looks a little something like this. 

Let's face it, we will do whatever we need to do to make life that little bit easier, to get that extra five minutes of sleep. These steps might not work for you, but they did help me; not every night but if your anything like me if something even works once it's worth holding onto. 

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