
Tamara's Birth Story | ally |

10:55:00 pm

My obstetrician gave me the option of having a planned cesarian or having Ally turned and I chose to have a cesarian. 
In the third trimester, at every antenatal appointment my blood pressure was high so I was admitted to the hospital for observation over night a couple of times. The last time I was admitted, my obstetrician came to check on me the following morning  and she said I would be having a cesarian in 10 days. 
So at 37+5 weeks, I had to go up to the hospital by 7:30am for my cesarian! It was a very emotional morning. 
The nurses (my partners mum was one of them) got my partner and I ready for the big operation!
They wheeled me into surgery meanwhile my partner was waiting in the waiting room. 
The anaesthetist put the spinal block in and laid me down. It was the weirdest feeling not feeling my feet! I didn't cope with that too well. I started feeling really hot and sick and my blood pressure rose so they had to give me something through the IV to bring my blood pressure down. 
At this time I was started to freak out as my partner wasn't in the room yet and it's something I would never go through alone. 
I didn't know they had made the incision until they finally brought my partner in. All I could feel was pulling and pushing in my tummy. Turns out that was the obstetrician trying to pull our little girl out! 
After a few minutes they had her out. They showed me her quickly over the sheet and told me she was a girl (we found out the sex whilst I was pregnant). 
Being early, we expected her to be taken to the nursery for observation but we were lucky enough that she was fine :) 
The nurses cleaned her up and handed her to my partner to show her to me. It was honestly the most crazy feeling! Hearing her cry for the first time and seeing our daughter was amazing. No words can describe the feeling. I would go through everything again to feel that. 

I would honestly have another cesarian if I could. The worst part would have to be day 2 when they get you to get up and have a shower. 
The pain was pretty intense and I didn't have any help or anything from the nurses so I struggled. But later that day I got up and walked laps of the hospital to get myself mobile again and I slowly felt better. 
They say your out of action for 6 weeks but when I got home I was doing house work and everything I was doing prior. I just didn't drive. 
I'm left with a scar across my tummy but that doesn't bother me when I look at my daughter :)

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