
Ally's Birth Story | Harrison |

8:34:00 pm

This is Ally's story 

From 38 weeks pregnant my OB was showing a concern with the baby not dropping what-so-ever. I had tried everything possible to encourage him to drop but he wasn't budging. (I had had a really cruizy pregnancy so far) So at my 40+3 week appointment we scheduled an induction for 41 weeks as it was not safe for my waters to break naturally as I was at risk of cord relapse. At 40+6 weeks pregnant Steven and I went to the hospital to spend the night before induction. That night they placed a cervadil tape on my cervix to help dilate. During the night I was feeling light irregular cramping and didn't sleep much. The next morning we went down to Labour ward at 8.30am and they broke my waters and I was 2cm.  They begun the induction with a drip meaning I couldn't have a shower and had to have the ctg on the whole time so I couldn't move much. I started on the gas which didn't provide much relief at all so I opted for the pethadine at about 12. By this time I was 6cm. They also took the drip out of my arm because my Labour was progressing so well on its own. During the 30 or so minutes it took for the pethadine to kick in I begged for an epidural. For the next 1-2 hours they stuffed around doing a whole lot of nothing (I never got my epidural) and the pethadine had kicked in and I was out to it. It really took the edge off. By the time the anethesist came for the epidural I didn't want it and was 8-9cm. They put a catheda (or however it's spelt) in because my bladder was so full the baby couldn't come down and I started to get the urge to push. By now it was around 2.45pm and I was 10cm. Pushing was the biggest relief it was like the pain disappeared. I remember only pushing 4 or so times before they put my baby boy on my chest, his little cry was so quite. Harrison Noah Ierardi was born at 2.59pm on 12th of August. He weighed 8 pound 5 (3876 grams) and was 53.5cm long. I had a tiny tear but nothing major just a couple of stitches. The next few days i was a little tender moving around, as to be expected i just gave birth! I wouldn't say my experience was easy but it definitely wasn't what I expected and I would go through it again in a heart beat. 💜

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