
Millie's Birth Story | rylan|

8:25:00 am

Millie's birth story!

From 28 weeks as far as I know Rylan was breeched, I went in 4 times to try for a 4D ultrasound and he was hiding everytime! Every doctor appointment she would tell me he was heading the right way but I knew something wasn't right as his kicks were low and not as often as they should've been. At about 30 weeks I started getting severe pelvic pain to the point I couldn't get out of bed and was in an out of hospital with anxiety from the pain and general concern about everything. At 32 weeks the doctor started checking every week wether he had turned and he was always in the same position. I tried everything to try and get him to turn even seeing a chiropractor every 2nd day to try the Webster technique. At 34 weeks she sent me for an ultrasound and we discovered he was frank breech (feet in his face). I was so worried he would have hip problems as I googled it and the pictures made me stress! 
At 36 weeks I went back to my doctor and we made the decision to plan my C section, so from then on I knew my sons birthday would be July 29 if he wouldn't turn! Those weeks dragged on as I was so excited but I kept up with trying to get him to move! The 29th came and we headed to the hospital at 7am, I was so nervous knowing that I was going to meet my son that day! The nurses told me to relax in a bed as I wouldn't be going up to surgery until 1ish so they put the catheter in (which I found really unpleasant! I thought I was going to pee everywhere.) 
The day went really fast and by 1pmthey were taking me down to surgery and the nerves started to really kick in and I couldn't stop shaking. They did the spinal and I was amazed it was nothing compared to what I thought it would be. They laid me down and prepped and said they were ready to start and I was worried as mum wasn't in the room yet (she was there through my whole pregnancy as his father wasn't) and was like "where's mum?" They told me they would do the incision and bring her in without her seeing a thing. It all went quickly and I felt lots of tugging and within a few minutes my baby was there at 1:38pm! As soon as they showed me him I started to cry it was such a shock he was finally here. I was so caught up in seeing him for the first time I thought nothing of the fact he was purple and didn't cry. After a minute of them having him on the table I started to freak and he let out that first ever cry. They put him straight on my chest and I just remember saying to my mum "why does he only have one eye?" As his eye was stuck together and I was on plenty of drugs. I was so concerned that he only had one eye! Haha. He latched straight on once I was sewn up and they made me wait in the theatre for fifteen or so minutes because there was no beds in recovery and he had his first ever drink. Once we got to our room he was weighed and weighed 7 pound 3. The next day they got me up for a shower and I was surprised how much pain I wasn't in! I was expecting to be in agony. I recovered within a few weeks with a bit of a pulling sensation when I walked but all in all I was happy with my experience and it was the best day of my life! I had a little trouble with breastfeeding within the first month and couldn't keep up supply but that was the only issue I had, he was the perfect newborn! Doing it alone is hard but now I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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