
Snack Draws and Baskets | independent tots

12:00:00 pm

I always snack, probably not the best habit to teach a child... But if you can encourage some healthiness into the snacks it's not that bad right?

When Charlie began daycare two weeks ago I was a little nervy when they said they leave the lunch boxes on display to encourage the children's independence. Being able to eat as they decide they are hungry. 
“What if he eats everyone's lunch?”
“He will probably eat all his lunch and snacks in the first 20 minutes”
We're just two of the things I was thinking. But apparently it works! They still sit down all together for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

I've decided to put together a snack basket in the cupboard and use one of the draws in my fridge as a snack draw. 
The cupboard basket has little containers of dried fruit, yoghurt drops, sultanas, energy bites ect which I buy in packets then make up in mini snack servings in advance. There are also packets of popcorn and cheese and biscuit dip things in there. I find these snacks to be pretty harmless, I do however hide the yummier snacks such as tiny teddies and sweeter things, because if they were there he wouldn't want a healthier option.
The fridge which I'm still in the process of doing, will have cut up fruit in zip lock bags, squeezy yoghurt sand cheese sticks. 

I'm so excited to teach him some independence and help him learn about snacking on the right sorts of foods!
Keep an eye out on my Instagram for images of the basket and draw once it's all cracking! 

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