
Mummy Blogger Makes || Nutella Muffins

1:50:00 pm

It was a Sunday afternoon at home with my little babe. He was restless and I wanted to do some sort of activitie with him. We attempted painting..... Let's just say we won't do that again. So we decided to bake, that way if he did put substances in his mouth I wouldn't have a heart attack. 

These 3 ingredient Nutella muffins are so easy to make! A perfect afternoon treat for your little mr or miss and scrumptious with a coffee or tea for yourself. 

• 3 EGGS
• 1 CUP plain flour
• 1 1/2 CUPS Nutella 

• stir eggs into Nutella, this might take a little but of work but it will turn into a smooth shiny mixture.
• gently fold through flour, the less you mix the fluffier and moist the muffins will be! 
• add mixture to muffin tins and cook for 15 mins on 180*c

NOTE || once the muffins begin to crack on top and spring back when touched, they are ready! 

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