
January Favourites

10:25:00 pm

January is over, Easter eggs have hit the shelves yet Christmas products are still being sold at discount prices? Makes sense yeah... Surely I shouldn't be complaining. I'm currently half way through a block of chocolate. 

I don't even know where to begin for this months favourites, it's gone so fast I feel like I just finished writing about December! Charlie began Daycare this month so I began educating myself on how to pack a nude lunch box, no packets, rubbish or glad wrap ect. This has been fun, packing it full of colour with fruits ect. 
I've also been enjoying a bath of a night time to relax, lush bath bombs which were a Christmas gift have been a staple. The aroma is pleasant and the silkyness of my skin after a bath is devine! 

Something special and I guess I can add it into my favourites for this month would be these VBAC affirmations and beads. I have been receiving these from gorgeous ladies from all over Australia. I joined in on a bead swap, where you purchase some beads and send one and an affirmation to each lady involved. I'll be taking both of these into the hospital with me during labour. 

January has been a month full of new friendships, collaborations and love on the IG front. We have hit 1.8k and I'm over the moon! I can't thankyou all enough for the generous support and kindness you have all provided me with (:

Tiarne Straatman

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