
34 Week Pregnancy Update

12:43:00 pm

34 weeks, time is flying by imand I can't even keep up anymore! Each day is blending into the next and I am feeling more and more unprepared. 

I had a midwife appointment at 33 weeks, where I finally got the chance to meet my student follow through midwife Gabi. She is fabulous, we chat via text all the time but meeting her and having her feel my stomach and do my obs made it feel more real. Having my OB and main midwife say they may not be at my birth was daunting but knowing Gabi will be there 100% has boosted my confidence! 
I'll be getting more bloods done tomorrow to see if my iron levels have increased into a safer level. I've still been taking the moltfer so fingers crossed!

I made the choice to begin taking Evening Primrose Oil capsules orally, twice a day at 33 weeks; I'll continue this until birth. Babe has been moving so much, it gets so uncomfortable! Something that does help is a long walk, followed by a bath and a hot cup of Raspberry Leaf Tea. Total relaxation. 
This past week I have been feeling extreme amounts of pressure all through my pelvis bum and thighs, it comes and goes in waves. Hopefully this is a sign of him moving down and engaging! 

I spent part of my Thursday in this beautiful studio! Charlie and I went in for our second last timeline shoot! Hopefully babe stays put another 4 weeks for the last one before his arrival (:

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