

4:46:00 am

Learning to be a mother is a difficult task on it's own. But learning to be a mother whilst trying to juggle your relationship with your partner, your friends and your family is something so much more. 

You give birth to this precious little life that consumes your whole world. That beautiful little face that you could stare at all day and probably feel like screaming at during early hours of the morning. Both you and your partner as first time parents will have no idea what you are doing. No amount of parenting classes, books or my lovely blogs can even give you the slightest bit of reality. 
One day your giving your partner and the love of your life every ounce of your attention. The next day your struggling to have a conversation on a topic other than  what baby's poo is like or how many times he's vomited today. I'm not going to lie and say that part fades away, because dispise my partners disgust "poo talk" happens all the time even 10 months later! But the attention juggling act between quality partner time and baby time does level out. You will reach a point where you can stay up on your own with your lover when baby is asleep, rather then racing to bed to get every wink of sleep possible. And if your having any doubts about your physical or psychological relationship it will all soon level back out and return to "normal". Except that you will have a little person who will always come first, before the wants and needs of your own. 
But somehow you will happily let them takeover your world and you will love every painful and joyful minute of it! 

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