
I'm just a stay at home mum

9:39:00 am

"I'm just a mum" no no no. Hunny you are more than just a mum! 

You are a waitress, a maid, a chef, a cleaner, a teacher, a taxi, an alarm clock, a calendar, a wife, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a mother. 
Your a slave to your children, and a damn fantastic one at that!

Your raising and guiding your children to be the best they possibly can be, your installing morals in them. Sending their imagination wild and creating goals and aspirations that one day they will fulfill. 

Being a mother is the most rewarding job in the world. You don't get paid in dollars, you get paid in love. Love and laughter and joy. Happiness and smiles, giggles and cuddles. 
To me, that's the most amazing payment I could ever recieve. 

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