
Opinionated Family Members

10:23:00 am

So I'm sure every new mum has one family member who gets in their ear and says do this or do that. Most of the time they probably are only trying to help, but I know that for me I like to learn from trial and error! 

When we decided to begin controlled crying it was difficult to let people watch Charlie because we needed to continue our methods for them to be effective. One time of someone cuddling him to sleep would ruin all our work and progress. The grandparents and greatgrandparents of Charlie didn't really agree with our methods at all, it was difficult for me to stand up for myself and say stop. But Shane was able to talk to them and get them to understand and respect our wishes.

Don't feel as though your parenting techniques are wrong just because they may differ to other peoples. Your doing a great job! (: 

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  1. Love this! Parents need to stick together and trust their gut instincts to make the right decisions for their own children. I think my mother in law will always question my mothering techniques, but thats a whole other can of worm!😳

    1. Thankyou! I completely agree with you


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