Controlled Crying
9:26:00 pmThe move into the cot went smoothly for us, if you read my previous post you would know (:
Every baby is different and mine is deffinitely a bed hog like his mumma!
At around 8 weeks old or maybe more 3months of age, Charlie would cry and cry before going to sleep. We didn't want him to be constantly rocked or fall into any of those horrible habits. I searched the internet until I found information on controlled crying. Let me tell you a little bit about it before I tell you how my experience was.
Controlled Crying is exactly as the name describes. Teaching your baby to self settle is the main achievement, an for yourself learning how to control your child's cry and knowing when they are sooking for attention or genuinely needing your comfort.
Controlled Crying is not "cry it out". At no time point should your child be distressed. There are two formulas that you can follow, timing intervals or reading their crys. I find both can be affective if you know your child's cries.
After one week of controlled crying Charlie began to self settle and put himself to sleep every night and after his night feeds. Not having to rock him back to sleep at the night feeds was such a big help (:
It was deffinitely something I am glad I decided to do!
Good on you Tiarne! I tried control crying with timing intervals on my eldest at 7 months when she was on three big meals a day and was dropping the night feed, best decision ever. Even though its a tough one to make, having the information and being consistent, its a win for everyone!