7:48:00 amThis is my current battle. Teething and sleep don't often fall into the same category, but I have a few tricks that might help.
The first 3 months of sleep with a newborn are the hardest, then you have a month or 6 weeks which you have a lovely routine and some catch up on sleep. Then bam teething starts!
Charlie began teething at 5 months, but don't cut his first tooth until 8 months.
When your cutting teeth all sleep routine pretty much goes out the window, I still try to keep mine the same but despite how hard I try sometimes you need to give them a little comfort.
Two nights ago I found myself lost again, lost at what to do for my little babe. I had tried all my tricks in my little brain.
Patting/Rubbing his back
Sleep music
Rocking and cuddles
Nothing worked, he wouldn't even sleep with us in our bed. Now that was my last resort. I was nearly in tears. He ended up falling off to sleep due to being exhausted.
You will have good nights and bad nights, it's all just apart of parenting. Just remember to breathe and don't be ashamed to ask for help.