
Why I won't be attempting to self induce this time around

9:41:00 pm

It's with a sigh of relief I can tell you I won't have blisters in my mouth from eating a pineapple a day. I will however continue to walk each night after Charlie is asleep. 
I won't be sitting on the toilet for hours after eating curry, or having ridiculous amounts of sex. But I will continue to sit, sway and rock on my birthing ball. 
You will not see me being in discomfort due to inserting evening primrose oil, having to wear pads to bed and sleep on a towel. I don't however see any issue with taking one or two capsules orally each day. 

I see young girls reaching 37 weeks pregnant; they are told they are now “term” and assume they should do all that they can to get babe out now. 
Stop. Yes, 37 weeks is term, it is not full term. Being term at 37 weeks gestation means your child will no longer be classed as premature. 
40 weeks is your EDD (estimated due date). You are now classed as full term. Again, this doesn't mean your baby will magically pop out. You see, it's an estimated due date for a reason.
Once you reach 42 weeks gestation you are then classed as over due; and doctors may want to begin interventions to bring on your labour. 

Here is a link to an article about EDDs and pregnancy gestation.  

I guess what I'm trying to say is your baby will come when he or she is ready. I know a lot of you may say “doing blah blah sent me into labour” truth is yes it may of helped progress your pre labour, but if your body isn't already in pre labour doing a home remedy will not work. Like fuck, alot of medical inductions don't even work. 

Charlie & I both sitting on our "birthing balls"

I am not trying to give medical advice, these are my own interpretations of the facts and studies I have read. Please seek advice from a professional if you feel necessary.

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