36 week pregnancy update | feeling disheartened
10:05:00 pmUp in the air i fly zoom zoom za zoom zoom zoom. If you didn't just sing that you either don't have children or are just a fancy pants mum that doesn't resort to children's tv programs as a baby sitter.
I was flying high, like a balloon floating with the breeze, striving for my Vbac and thought everything was going strong; until my appointment today. My balloon hasn't been popped but it's definitely been somewhat deflated.
I was told babe was still measuring 2 weeks ahead, no biggie as he has been measuring large all along. She also mentioned he was in a ROP position - this is what concerned me.
For those of you unaware ROP is the position that Charlie was in throughout my whole labour. Due to his size, combined with this position is the reason he became stuck. We then had to proceed with an emergency cesection.
You can read Charlie's birth story via this link http://yourmummyblogger.blogspot.com.au/2014/11/my-own-labour-and-birth-experience.html?m=1
Here are two diagrams to try and explain how a posterior baby can cause a more difficult labour.
I will be spending my next four weeks trying to turn him myself. Using exercises provided by my student midwife whom is amazing by the way; as well as referencing http://spinningbabies.com/
On a more positive note Baby Mcconnell's nursery is coming together amazingly. Wall stickers are up, so is the mobile and I have even made some bassinet sheets and change pad covers!
Hopefully I'll be announcing a birth within the next four weeks!