Question & Answer | DAYCARE
3:59:00 pmSo we have conquered our first 4 weeks of daycare, one whole month! A little rocky and still not perfect with the whole drop off and pick up thing; but we are getting there.
Why did I place Charlie into care when I am a SAHM ?
Well this is a good bloody question and I'm glad it's been asked. As much as I could use a break and time away from my energy stealing bundle of smiles. This one day a week at daycare isn't about me at all. Shane and I agreed to place Charlie into care for his own benefit. Social skills, attachment anxiety, extra learning and development.
What has been the biggest struggle so far?
In regards to Charlie - I believe the biggest hurdle for him is the change over of staff. He attaches himself to an educator, then when she leaves for her break he has to settle with someone else. The main benefit of the centre Charlie is attending is the staff rotating in his room are generally the same. So this hasn't been an issue in the past week, as he is getting comfortable with each one of them; which is a step in the right direction!
How do you walk away when his crying?
As I said before, I'm not doing this to make my life easier or make myself feel good. I hate hearing him cry out for me and all I want to do is run in there and scoop him up. But what's that going to do for him? His safe and he enjoys himself whilst I'm gone.
My experience with daycare is minimal, we have only attended four days so we are newbies. Within saying that, if you do have any questions feel free to ask. Comment below, ask on Instagram or Facebook or email me via