28 week • Pregnancy Update
12:21:00 pmI finally met my obstetrician, and it was amazing. She was very encouraging of VBAC and out of my whole birth plan she only challenged me in two areas. Vaginal Exams and CFM.
VE - I requested to only have vaginal exams on arrival to confirm active labour and when I feel the need to push to confirm dilation. Dr Tzippy wants frequent checks to confirm progress and to basically put me on a time frame.
Not Happening always remember you can decline any procedure. I will always put my babies health and safety first but if I am safe and baby is safe I will decline unnecessary proceedures.
CFM - I requested Doppler monitoring only. Dr Tzippy wants Continous Fetal Monitoring with the exception of quick breaks for showering. My compromise to her at my next appointment will be wireless waterproof CFM, less restrictive and able to bath and shower as I please.
The major positive from my conversations with Dr Tzippy was the fact that no matter how big my baby is, it will not effect her thoughts on allowing me to attempt Vbac! I find that super encouraging and empowering.
I have also arranged continuity of care with a last year midwifery student, she was super supportive and gave me insight to midwifes on the ward. She was able to tell me how things play out in practice rather than just the theories that the OB who mind you will most likely not be there stand by. She will be following me throughout the remainder of my pregnancy, attending appointments with me and helping me prepare for the birth of my second son. This support is really important to me especially whilst pursuing a vbac.
More on the topic of my little bundle himself, his measuring 3 weeks ahead.... 31 weeks instead of 28! His moving around like crazy and seems to be content in his little home. Brixton Hicks have slowed even more this past fourtnight but do occur randomly at times.