
Finger Painting & Toilet Training the two don't mix

4:40:00 pm

I've decided to enrol Charlie in Daycare because after I taught him how to finger paint he decided to paint with his poo on the wall. 

Yesterday I had my second attempt of finger painting with Charlie. His first attempt ending badly with him eating the paint and silly me not realising it wasn't stated "non toxic". 10 months later I decided to try again, this time painting on a cooking apron for his nanna. It went fabulously! He had a wash off in the shower and ran around having nappy free time. Charlie has been loving nappy free time lately showing awesome signs of wanting to toilet train, a few nights ago he squated over a container and did wee's ! I was so excited so I'm now off to buy a potty. But during nappy free time yesterday he decided to continue to finger paint, with his poo, on my walls, his legs, stomach and the carpet. 
So today I enrolled him into daycare, they can do all this crafty stuff there. 

Obviously that's not the only reason we decided to put him into daycare, we decided to send him one day a week to help build his social skills. Charlie doesn't have any cousins nor do I have many friends with children. He only associates with one little boy on a regular basis and I think it would really benefit him to be able to socialise with other children more often hopefully kids who don't paint with poo!

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