
Newborn Clothing Must Haves • TOP THREE

11:04:00 am

I wrote a newborn must haves a few months back which you can find at this link http://yourmummyblogger.blogspot.com/2015/02/new-mum-must-haves-things-no-one-tells.html 
but since going through all Charlie's old clothes and picking and choosing what to keep for this little mini growing inside of me, I have realised that their are essentials that most new mums will look past when buying those first outfits! 

Grow suits is what i think the technical name is called. Those singlet, tshirt and long sleeved things that button up underneath the nappy. You can put them under anything and it doesn't ride up their back. No more constant tucking in! 
Sadly they only go up to size one from what I can find, if they went larger I would continue sticking up for Charlie.

Onesies - this time around I have opted for zip up onesies. Nothing worse than struggling with a wriggley newborn at 3am whilst your changing nappies. 
I have thrown out all Charlie's cute clothes in 0000s there is just no way I am putting a newborn in anything other than a onesie this time around. It's a rookie mistake and they look so uncomfortable in proper clothes at that age. 

Kmart coral fleece blanket for only $5 how can you resist. Perfect size to wrap a newborn, use in the pram, car seat or bassinet as well as being great to carry around to throw down to change bub on. 

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