Mummy Blogger Makes • potato salad

7:54:00 am

Coming into the warmer weather it's always handy to have a few quick, easy and tasty salad ideas. Thrown together with a bbq or cold meat is the perfect company. 

If anyone has a pasta salad recipe they would care to share I would love to hear it! I can't find one I love at all. 

Baby Chap Potatoes
Spring Onion
Corn Kernals
Grated Cheese
Traditional mayonnaise (full fat)
Heinz Salad Cream
Salt and Pepper (to taste)

2/3 mayonnaise
1/3 salad cream
• use to your desired amount of creaminess. 

Cut baby chap potatoes in half and boil until soft
Dice bacon and fry off
Thinly slice spring onions
Drain tin of corn kernals 
Strain off potatoes and add grated cheese and bacon - allow to cool slightly. Once cooled add spring onions, corn and dressing. Toss together and serve.

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