2:29:00 pm

Finally some positive news on the hospital and OB hunt. Over the past two weeks as you know I was waiting to hear back from Dr Simon at WGHS. Turns out the capacity is full and they cannot take on my care. This was a huge blow to my confidence and at 23 weeks gestation hormones flying and my poor hubby coping the brink of it all sent me over the edge. 
I was at my last option LRH Traralgon is not where I would choose to birth, a lot of contradicting stories - both good and bad. I called and spoke to some midwives and asked for the most supportive vbac OB they suggested Dr Tzippy. I've since booked in an apt with the midwives and another apt with the OB. My fingers and toes are crossed I feel supported ! 

* I am trying to be super positive about this experience at LRH and leavening all negatives behind me. So please please if you have any positive stories I would love to hear them. But the negatives and bad experiences are not what I want to hear right now. I hope you all can respect that 💕

My stomach is stretching and getting more firm, my boobs are getting huge and plump and awesome all over again. I seriously love the look of my breasts whilst full of milk a natural boob job! How fabulous. 
Aches and pains are continuing to occur as my pelvis and hips and rearranging to prepare for the growing little life inside of me. This little life is also becoming more active, I'm beginning to see my stomach move and jump around as he rolls, kicks and turns. Braxton Hicks has disappeared thank goodness! HOLD UP... I write this update over the two week period and up until two days ago they had disappeared but they are back in full swing on day three now unfortunately.

The past two weeks have been so jam packed I could honestly keep writing and writing! The nursery is coming along lovely and I've purchased some gorgeous little decor items off INSTAGRAM. 
Who would like a nursery update?  I was going to do a reveal once it is completed and but maybe I should do a progress shot too? Let me know what you think 😘

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