
5 changes to expect during and after pregnancy

8:21:00 pm

I wrote a post the other week "what to expect when your expecting". But, I didn't touch base on what you need to prepare yourself for in regards to changes within your own body. 

Of course everyone is different, everyone's bodies are different! So these changes I experienced may or may not happen to you. 

Itchy Nipples
Surprisingly enough this was my first sign of pregnancy! Giggle if you wish, it is sort of funny. My periods ALWAYS came as they pleased so the fact it didn't say hello one month didn't concern me. What did concern me was itch nipples, it drove me insane! I ended up phoning my trusty pal google. He told me I either had breast cancer or I was pregnant.... 

Stretch Marks
I gloated to everyone bout how I was 36 weeks and no stretch marks! Little did I know... Over night I would magically triple in size and wake up with stretch marks all over my back, my stomach, my thighs and even my arms! 

Leaky Boobs
Once you give birth and your milk comes in it starts. You will leak through breast pads, through your bra, all over your clothes. Rotten breast milk becomes your perfume. 

That one part of my tummy that I can't seem to tighten! Hello lose skin and tiger stripes. 

What was your most difficult change to come to terms with?

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