

11:44:00 am

Do you, like me have a little babe who is just plain distructive?! 

Their toys just won't cut it. 
Well here are 3 things that entertain my munchkin when all els fails! 

A Box... 
Yep, a box. There are a few ways to use these to entertain your babe! 
Charlies favourite is his cubby house. 
I cut out two doors, so he can crawl through and windows on each side so he can peak out! Oh and do you spy my big kid in the cubby too? Charlie is deffinitely a little daddy's boy, if Shane is inside Charlie has to be around him.

Another way to use maybe a smaller box is to put lots of itty bitty toys in them, let your little one pull them out and explore through it! Charlie loves rummaging around with toys he hasn't seen for a while (: 

Whether we are hanging out washing, feeding the animals or going for a walk Charlie loves to be outside! He will just sit there and look around, listening to all the sounds. Maybe he will eat some dirt and a bug or two but that never hurt anyone (: 

Water Play. 
The last thing on my list is water play. This right here is my saving grace! If all els fails to entertain him or cheer him up we resort to water! 
The bath, his baby pool, the lake or river, even laying a towel down with some containers of water to touch and splash in. His mesmerised by it! 

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