My lowest point

6:22:00 pm

This week I'm talking about the highs and lows of parenting and I thought I would start at my lowest point and end the week on my highest point.

My lowest point of parenting would have to be when Charlie was about 3 weeks old. I was still a very new mum who had no idea why my baby would cry and cry. He probably just wanted to be close to his mum? But I was sleep deprived, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I was struggling to find the balance of being a mum, a fiancé, and a friend. 

It was 3am, a time when I was always asleep. But now it was a time to wake up and feed this little person who solely relied on me. I changed him and began to breastfeed. Instead of waking him after he finished feeding off one side and swapping him I gently placed him in his bassinet. He was asleep maybe 5 minutes and he started screaming, why did I do? Instead of feeding my baby who was still hungry I got frustrated because he wouldn't go to sleep with his dummy or being rocked. I began to cry, I looked at him and said what do you want from me. 
My poor little baby just wanted his mummy and was hungry. I was too sleep deprived and exhausted to realise what I was doing wrong.

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