
Pumping, Dumping and everything inbetween!

10:49:00 pm

I'm sure any mums that read this will know exactly what I am taking about when I say expressing milk and having to throw it out is the most annoying thing to do! Whether you are pumping to go back to work, for a babysitter or of you want to go have a drink with a gf. It's all the same and for me after my two "pump and dump" experiences it's so not worth it haha! 

Actually that came out completely wrong ahh 😩 I'm not saying not to pump so you can return to work! That's actually fantastic! Good job! I couldn't do it myself, so I would be so proud (: I mean pumping for something like having alcohol isn't worth it, just don't drink haha.
Let's just brush over that and move on shall we.. 

Alcohol and breastfeeding. 
Apparently from doctors and my health nurse as well as some information I have read online, having one standard drink and continuing to breastfeed is okay! Anymore than 2 drinks you would need to pump and dump. (Express and throw away) 
Which is exactly what I had to do! It was awful having to sit their and pump pump pump, especially when pumping takes so much longer to empty your breasts than actually breastfeeding does!

Pumping to go to work! 
Okay so I wasn't even going to speak about this topic waist personally I have no experience or knowledge in the whole thing. But I thought I should correct what I said earlier (: 
Breast is best! An if your baby cannot drink from your boobie pumping for your bundle of joy is the next best thing! So good on you 😘 keep up the fabulous work babe. 

Breast Pump & Bottles
Keep an eye out for a "breastfeeding starter kit" the one I purchased was from big w. It was closer to nature brand and came with the following: 
• breast pump
• large bottles and teats
• small bottles and teats
• storage/sterilizing container
• dummy
They are the closets bottle/teat I have found in similarity to a breast and Charlie took really well when we came to introduce him (: 

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