

8:45:00 pm

Since my last post may have scared some of you mumma to be girlies right off breastfeeding, I wanted to do a cute little post about why you should BF. Not about why it's so good for baby, we all know the benefites for our little one! But why is it good for you?! 

weight loss! Want to loose all your baby weight? Well breastfeed hunny! In the first 6 weeks post pregnancy, I lost 20kgs! Which is 5kgs more than my baby weight which I put on! Amazing right? 

more sleep! Maybe not technically, but formula feeders have to get up and make bottles ext, what's wrong with self serve! When I was a new sleep deprived mumma I brought Charlie into bed with me and just let him feed whilst I fell back to sleep 😂 some May call this lazy but eh. 

• bonding time! Knowing that you are the only person that can comfort and provide food to your baby is a special feeling, feeling needed is just so cute! Also breastfeed babies seem to want their mum a little more and tend to e more sooky. Which means more cuddles! Fabulous. (: 

cheaper! No purchasing tins of formula and bottles and all that stuff! More money to spend on cute baby clothes! 🙌

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