
BLW |baby led weaning|

10:58:00 pm

I was reading a post on Facebook about 2 weeks ago on a mums question and answer page, they were speaking in code like they do all the time and they were talking about BLW! I had no idea what it mean but I wasn't going to be the dumb young mum in the group so I resorted to google! Once again google came up with the goods (: 
BLW baby led weaning is a theory that a baby can learn to chew before learning to swallow, making a mess and playing, chewing and throwing the food before actually eating it to fufill their needs. Because they are getting all their nutrients and vitamins from breast milk or formula anyway. 

I started feeding Charlie solids at 3 and a half months of age, beginning with farax which he hated! So we turned to the trusty weetbix! He loves weetbix and still now has them every morning for breakfast. (Some times if hi constipated or something I'll add some softened prunes or pears but that's another blog!)
When he turned 4 monts old and my health nurse began speaking to me about introducing food I started making purée veggies and fruits (I'll go more in depth with starting solids in another blog too.) So technically I haven't followed the BLW exactly but since 6 months of age I have been allowing Charlie time to experiment with self feeding at one meal time a day, don't get me wrong it's so much easier because I can just give him whatever we are eating! The other day he ate some steak carrot sticks and broccoli trees for dinner. Yum! 
 Broccoli Trees are a really good starting point! Just boil or steam them untill the "tree" part is all soft and it melts away in their mouth, then they hold the stem and chomp away (: 
Here Charlie is chewing on some thin beef steak that I cut into finger sized pieces for him to hold, I'm not sure how much he actually consumed but it helped with his teething haha! 
It's very messy but so much fun seeing them experiment with different textures and flavours (: 

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