I'm sorry about the newborn

1:09:00 pm

Dear my toddler, I'm sorry about the newborn. 

The moment you walked into the hospital room will forever bring a tear to my eye. You were mesmerised and inlove. No words can come close to explaining the connection I felt between the four of us. 

Mummy's favourite words have became STOP and GENTLE; I'm sorry I know you just want to love him. 
Only last week you had me all to yourself, please remember I'm still mummy. You just need to share me now. I'm sorry that my arms sometimes can't cuddle the two of you, but my heart will never be too crowded for you.
Mummy is sorry that baby cries and sometimes I can't make him stop. Mummy is sorry that she makes you cry; I know you only want my attention but mummy is learning too. 

But guess what darling? I'm not sorry about a lot of things too. 
I'm not sorry that you now have a best friend, a play mate, and a brother. 
I'm not sorry that without you knowing this is teaching you things; independence as well as how to love and care for something. To help others and to share. 
I'm not sorry that we extended our family. I'm not sorry that we created more love. 

Love Mummy

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