8:40:00 pmAnother fortnight done and dusted, I feel like I was chatting with you all for my 24 week update only yesterday!
Baby and I are well, we are content with our choice to birth at LRH after meeting with the midwife who will support me through my pregnancy in correspondence with my OB. She is so enthusiastic about Vbac and encouraging me through each of my concerns. I meet with the OB next Friday so I hope I can say the same about her.
I've written a list of questions regarding vbacs and what limitations or proceedures she may need to follow for hospital policy. Mainly around time limits, induction and being intervention free. The midwife assures me all will be okay and at the least she will be willing to compromise if not fufill my wishes completely.
At 26 weeks i am starting to feel exhausted, running after Charlie as well as playing nurse for Shane who has just had his knee reconstructed. It also doesn't help that my iron is super low...
On a positive note I have almost all my Christmas shopping done! Plus the weather is warming up and Charlie doesn't need to be trapped in doors which makes my job a whole lot easier.
Oh and I nearly forgot to mention that I can officially say I have now completed a Diploma of Counselling through the Australian College of Applied Psychology! I'm over the moon and so proud of myself.
You may not hear much of my little family over the next few days as we are going down to Melbourne and I'm finally seeing my beloved Ed! Then on Monday we are off on a little road trip. So wish me luck.
Tiarne Straatman & minni