
November Favourites •

8:37:00 pm

Last months favourites blog was late and this months is early? Motherhood right... You can never be perfect. Speaking of perfection, I have heard a lot about this secret group of mothers and woman on Instagram, mummy mafia ect. I have never witnessed it myself but it sounds awful. Grown adults, mothers, roll models bullying?! Seriously. It's pathetic. You can use social media to stream the perfect lifestyle, posed pictures, designer clothes and decor. But you know what? The people who feel the need to hide the reality from their social media are the ones who are insecure. I love posing Charlie and dressing him up but I've still got a fucking grip on reality. I'll post the 500 bad photos before posting the one half good one I got. 
I don't appreciate falling into the category of mummy bloggers who do it to get free shit, to be Insta Famous and whatever other crap you want to throw around. 
I write this blog to share my knowledge and experiences, to hopefully help at least one person, to show them they are not alone. 

This is us. The real us. No makeup, no brand name clothing. Not even a filter! 

But let's jump into my favourites for this month...

For myself this month I have been reaching out for support. I have gotten involved in a bead swap on one of my favourite pages the Vbac Australia support group page on Facebook. I highly reccomended this group! They also have a lot of sister groups including the Vbac Victoria support group who I have also joined for info on hospitals and care providers. I find the woman uplifting and super encouraging. 
I have also become addicted to The midwives television show on the ABC, it's uk based and on at 2pm weekdays. I may or may not try to work Charlie's nap around this time.... 

For our little mini we have purchased a wardrobe and sets of drawers, I have sorted through all Charlie's clothing and kept the handy items! *see previous blog post for newborn essentials* I have purchased accordingly and stocking up on bits and pieces which I think are important. Such as zip up onsies and button up under the nappy singlets.

My absolute favourite thing about Charlie this month is he is now acknowledging when he is doing a poo or wee. He comes and tells me once his finished, does anyone know how I can get him to tell me before he goes? Is this a good toilet training sign? 
Oh my I can't forget, block out blinds ! Day light at 8pm not in Charlie's room. 

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