Pregnancy update | 18 weeks
10:06:00 pmI've decided to do a fortnightly pregnancy update. I'm now 18 weeks and will be meeting my OB and begin discussing VBACs and all the stuff which is so new to me even though this is my second pregnancy. I thought it would be nice to share it with you all!
This pregnancy has been completely different from day one, immediately I was uncomfortable whilst sleeping... Even when I had no belly zip zero nothing. Then came the morning sickness, with Charlie my morning sickness was from 11-13 weeks. Two weeks of non stop vomiting, dehydration and discomfort. With this little mini I had morning sickness from 6 weeks through to 14 ish weeks. Only morning sickness, from when I woke up untill about 11am.
I don't know which one was worse? I'm glad it's over though!
Another difference I have noticed is that my cute tight pregnancy belly isn't so prominent this time around. I feel like babe is sitting so much higher, as well as the bottom of my stomach is already so stretched that it doesn't show that rounded shape as much.
Definitely pulling out the spanks for my sister inlaws deb next week 😂
* I felt my first little movements last week!
* I've began wearing maternity clothes.
Who knew pregnancy would be so different the second time around? I sure didn't expect anything. The one thing which has surprised me the most though is how much I don't think about it. My life is so busy chasing after an 18 month old terror that this is honestly flying by!