Lazy Parenting or Honest Parenting ?
1:08:00 pmI'm going to let you guys be the judge today. This morning I got up after an awful night with Charlie, I made coffee and gave him breakfast. I expected to get NOTHING done today, I was exhausted. Not that I generally do anything other than potter around tidying before 12 on any other day anyway haha. Lazy or Honest?
I see those super mums or mothers who only show social media the "perfect side" of their lives. All house work done, before 9am! Lunch and dinner prepped and baking hubby and babe some healthy treat. I just normally giggle to myself because yeah it's great to get things do e and be organised but in my life my child is screaming at my legs after 2 minutes of not paying him attention.
But for some reason after breakfast and coffee this morning I had this burst of energy. I'm seriously blaming pregnancy hormones because it is so unlike me!
It's now 1pm, I have done my housework, swept, vacuumed and mopped the floors. Actually went I the effort of making sausage tolls and mini quiches for lunch. Fed the child lunch and managed to get him down for a nap?! All by 1pm. Now you perfect mums will be thinking what's so great about that... But whether I'm Lazy or just Honest about my parenting this is a huge achievement! Even though now I'm laying on the floor infront of the fire blogging. Instead of cleaning up after lunch, I wouldn't have it any other way.
So whether your a super mum or a little lazy and honest like me, just do what makes you happy. Do what ever it takes. 99% of my days are spent following around my toddler picking things up after him and it not even looking like I've gotten up off the couch. But it's okay.
If your interested in these super easy child friendly recipes just let me know and I'll include them in my mummy blogger makes section!