DAILY RUT | When the spark dwindles
2:02:00 pmWe can't be the only couple that argue. Over small silly things to begin with, then somehow the argument gets bigger and old past situations get dragged in. Then the next day it's been all brushed under the carpet and you can't even remember what you were arguing about? That's us in a nutshell. We don't rage over something significant, always just little things that can't even be resolved.
Surely it's normal to fall into life's daily rut. Especially once you have children. Your whole set of priorities change. The woman's priority is the child, the now, providing and keeping them clean, warm and fed. The mans priority on the other hand is the opposite, it's the future. Providing for the long term. Creating an asset and setting up the children for their life.
Once upon a time all your priority was, was to chase that one guy/girl who has your heart. Flirt, tease and play. It was fun, exciting and a constant chase. You never knew what was around the bend. But now you don't even focus on one another, and I think that's where the arguments begin.
We all want that spark back, but in reality it's gone. There can be moments, of love laughter and playfulness but it will never be a lifetime of chasing. Which is hard to adjust too.
But I do believe there a things your can do to spice up the relationship. Do something you both enjoy something spontaneous and random! This can include the kids too! We go fishing or we went to the snow, it was great and we laughed and enjoyed ourselves!
Go out for dinner or stay away over night somewhere, child free would be best ;)
Even wait till the little ones are asleep, get take out and watch a movie!
A few months ago, Shane and I at the snow.