18 months old! | UPDATE
4:33:00 pmFor those of you who hbe followed from the get go you would already know every couple of months I do a little routine age update. Charlie will be hitting the 18 month mark this month and we are definitely going through some changes!
Our toddler bed transition went easy as pie and you can have a look at my tips and tricks on the previous blogs.
Charlie now has 12 teeth and cutting 4 more as we speak.
I'm contemplating beginning toilet training! So any tips would be amazing. Stay tuned for more on that topic in the coming weeks.
6.45 Charlie runs into our room and wakes us up. It was cute at the start having him get out of bed on his own... I now miss sleeping in after 7 am and pretending I don't hear him grizzle in his cot so I can get 10 more minutes sleep.
7.30 Breakfast time! We then get dressed and I'm making my third coffee by the time 8am rolls.
12.00 Since attempting to drop to one sleep a day lunch time is tricky for us. Charlie is exhausted by 11 most mornings, so he either has an early lunch at 11.30 then nap time. Or I stretch him out untill 12.30 and then nap time after lunch. I allow him to sleep as long as he pleases. Majority of the time he sleeps an hour and a half. My only rule is no naps after 3pm!
5/6pm Charlie is getting so sleepy again, I'm prepping dinner and we generally eat at about 6.30pm.
7.00pm Bath or Shower time
7.30 Bottle