Cot to Toddler bed | TRANSITIONING TIPS
9:48:00 pmBefore bedtime each night Charlie will say goodnight to Dad and then follow me into his room. He began waving and blow kisses on his way into his room, then he would lift his arms up to be put into his cot. This was a trigger moment for me....
Maybe he was ready to jump into bed on his own?
I took the cot sides off and turned his beloved little haven into a toddler bed.
After a long confused discussion between Shane and I we came to a decision! No side rail. Charlie is super rough, he would bounce around in his cot because he knew it was safe and secure. The side rail I purchased didn't convince me that it would support his aggressive behaviour.
We went to bed that night with one eye open waiting to pounce when he fell out of bed.
Night One ✔️
Night Two ✔️
Night Three ✔️
Not once did Charlie climb down out of bed, during putting him to sleep or the period of the night. In the mornings he gets out on his own and runs over to his baby gate and yells out until someone let's him out haha (: