Transitioning to cows milk?!
10:06:00 am“Your child must be off formula at 12months and not having bottles by 15months”
WOW.. Back up a second. Are you reccomend ing this? Or are you forcing it upon me?
The above quote was what was said to me recently at Charlie's 12 month health check. But, a few things have me a little confused.
Why am I being told to take him off formula, when there are toddler formulas out there?
Once upon a time you were super encouraging breastfeeding and now telling me to take him off the substitute of breast milk? Would you tell me to stop breastfeeding if I was still nursing him?
I've decided to do what I believe is right for my little man and my family. In a perfect world I would love to still be breastfeeding Charlie but I haven't been since around 7 months.
You can read about my breastfeeding journey by clicking on this link... It will take you to all posts including topics of breastfeeding! Your Mummy Blogger - Breastfeeding Blogs
So now I am facing the transition to cows milk. Charlie currently has two bottles a day. One when he first wakes up of a morning around 6.30/7am and another after his bath, before bedtime at night at 7.30/8pm. I have decided to take on hand what my health nurse suggested but also tweak it to fit with my own beliefs. Charlie now has one bottle of full cream cows milk in the morning and 12 month + toddler formula as his night time bottle. Once he adjusts to this dietary change which now includes more dairy I might consider changing his night bottle over to cows milk too. But for the time being I like the idea of him having those extra vitamins ect which are in the formula.
But what to do about the "no bottles after 15 months" comment she made. I personally believe its all preference. I do understand the reasoning why my health nurse made the suggestion. Changing up a 15 month olds routine to incorporate a sippy cup of milk instead of a bottle of milk would be a lot easier. Rather than attempting to cold turkey take bottles and milk out of your 2 or 3 year olds routine. By that time it would be a comfort and a habbit, which would be stressful to break all at once at that age.
For Charlie his night time bottle is a relaxation and calming part of our nightly routine, which I don't want to disrupt at this stage. When I think that his at ready to attempt the sippy cup instead of bottle transition I will introduce this only with his morning bottle to begin with.
My little boy is no longer a baby. Its hard to believe so much time has past! soon he will be transitioning into a toddler bed and revamping his room from the classic nursery to little boys room. But at this point I think ill focus on one thing at a time.
You can read about my breastfeeding journey by clicking on this link... It will take you to all posts including topics of breastfeeding! Your Mummy Blogger - Breastfeeding Blogs
So now I am facing the transition to cows milk. Charlie currently has two bottles a day. One when he first wakes up of a morning around 6.30/7am and another after his bath, before bedtime at night at 7.30/8pm. I have decided to take on hand what my health nurse suggested but also tweak it to fit with my own beliefs. Charlie now has one bottle of full cream cows milk in the morning and 12 month + toddler formula as his night time bottle. Once he adjusts to this dietary change which now includes more dairy I might consider changing his night bottle over to cows milk too. But for the time being I like the idea of him having those extra vitamins ect which are in the formula.
But what to do about the "no bottles after 15 months" comment she made. I personally believe its all preference. I do understand the reasoning why my health nurse made the suggestion. Changing up a 15 month olds routine to incorporate a sippy cup of milk instead of a bottle of milk would be a lot easier. Rather than attempting to cold turkey take bottles and milk out of your 2 or 3 year olds routine. By that time it would be a comfort and a habbit, which would be stressful to break all at once at that age.
For Charlie his night time bottle is a relaxation and calming part of our nightly routine, which I don't want to disrupt at this stage. When I think that his at ready to attempt the sippy cup instead of bottle transition I will introduce this only with his morning bottle to begin with.
My little boy is no longer a baby. Its hard to believe so much time has past! soon he will be transitioning into a toddler bed and revamping his room from the classic nursery to little boys room. But at this point I think ill focus on one thing at a time.