Trail of distruction
7:52:00 amAnyone would think I never clean my house. That I'm happy living with toys scattered everywhere. Half folded washing pulled out of baskets and laying on the floor. Books and DVDs live infront of the shelf instead of on the shelf.
In reality though, I clean my house multiple times a day. As I clean each a room I have a little person trailing behind me undoing all the work I've just done. I swear he thinks his helping?
I have now just put him to bed, and following the same routine as I do every night. Picking up all his toys. Stacking away all the DVDs. Wiping down his high hair. Sometimes I wonder what I did before I had him? How did I fill in time? I must have led a pretty boring life, because i couldn't think of anything more entertaining than his cheeky face as his tearing my house to pieces 😂
Here is an image I captured as I was trying to wee this afternoon... Only a matter of seconds and he can turn a neat little area into a pigstie!
I did have to laugh when he passed me a toilet roll and said "ta".