

7:51:00 am

At your very first internal examination when your pregnant, you will be so nervous! 

"Am I clean?"
"Do I smell?" 
"Did I shave properly" 
But honestly they look at so many woman everyday that you shouldn't even flatter yourself with the thoughts that they will take extra notice down there. 

Those nerves fade by each appointment. By the time your in extreme labour you won't even notice people looking and checking how your progressing!
Dignity walks straight out the door when you have a baby. 

It continues once your home too. Your sharing your body and your breasts to feed and nurture your baby. Now I loved breastfeeding but for some it may be quite a daunting and uncomfortable task. 
Then your little babe starts moving. You no longer will be able to shower or go to the toilet in peace ever again. You get to share each of your personal experiences with a little person! Lucky lucky you 😂

You know what? I wouldn't change it for the world. 


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