
5 things partners of a stay at home mum DONT KNOW

7:03:00 am

So even now, almost 11 months since becoming parents we still disagree on how we "share the parenting roles". 

Shane works outside doing physical labour all day. I am inside with Charlie, I also cook, clean and look after the animals. 

Just because I'm inside doesn't mean I get to lay down and relax all day. 
When Charlie is awake I'm always either feeding him, wiping his bum or struggling to find a song or a story I don't know off by heart! When he is asleep I'm racing around trying to do as much house work as possible before he wakes up again. 
I don't stop. 

The amount of times I have to repetitively do something throughout the day would probably drive you insane. 
One thing Charlie does over and over again is pulls all the DVDs out of the tv stand. Over and over again. I put them away and in an overly energised and sarcastic voice try to convince him to play with the million and two toys and activities I set up for him to play with. But no, he once again goes back to the DVDs! 

When Dad is looking after bub it is called Parenting, not babysitting!
One thing that really annoys me is when men say "oh I'm just babysitting". No mate, no your not! This is your child too! Your parenting. 

When we are both inside, the child is a joint responsibility. 
Just because you have been working all day doesn't mean when you come inside you can just do nothing. I've been working all day too. Chasing a feral child and cleaning up after everyone else. When can I just sit and do nothing? 

Even though I rant and rave, I still love you. 
I might be tired by the time you get inside each night. I might take my stress out on you. And I may even forget to say it as much as I should. But I do love you! I'm also thankful for everything you do for us.


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  1. How true! Completely relate hun! Although tbh, the first 2.5 years of my little loves life was spent trying to get this point across, and then one day - it was like a switch - he finally got it! ( now at least he comes home from work and plays with my little one while I have a glass of wine, and he always cleans up the kitchen before heading to bed.. 🙌) small things! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that the 'switch' happens much sooner for you, then it did for me lol!!!


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